Assertions ========== Assertions are executed against each variant of the subject and can be added to your benchmarks as follows: .. codeimport:: ../examples/Assertion/ExampleAssertionsBench.php :language: php :sections: all,bench_time Above we assert that the KDE mode of the average iterations times is less than 200 milliseconds give or take a tolerance of 10%. .. codeimport:: ../examples/Assertion/ExampleAssertionsBench.php :language: php :sections: all,bench_time_baseline Above we compare the current variant with a :ref:`referenced` variant. Data ---- PHPBench provides the aggregated iteration results for the current `variant` and, if a :ref:`reference ` is specified, the `baseline`. .. codeimport:: ../examples/Assertion/ExampleAssertionsBench.php :language: php :sections: data_access Each metric (e.g. ``) is provided as a list of numbers corresponding to each iteration. You will need to use an aggregation function (e.g. :ref:`expr_func_mode` or :ref:`expr_func_mean`) to get a comparable value. Assertion Language ------------------ Assertions are created using the :doc:`PHPBench Expression Language`. Each assertion must be a comparison.