Introduction ============ PHPBench is a benchmark runner for PHP analagous to `PHPUnit`_ but for performance rather than correctness. Performance can be monitored and measured in a number of ways: profiling (via. `Xdebug`_ or `Blackfire`_), manually instrumenting your code (e.g. `Symfony Stopwatch`_) or with APM tools such as `NewRelic`_ or `Tideways`_. PHPBench compliments these tools (and in some cases can integrate with them) allowing you to profile the `wall time`_ and memory usage of specific scenarios and code units independently of the application context. Features include but are not limited to: - :ref:`Revolutions `: Repeat your code many times to determine average execution *time*. - :ref:`Iterations `: Sample your revolutions many times and review aggregated statistical data. - **Process Isolation**: Each iteration is executed in a separate process. - :doc:`Reporting `: Customizable reports and various output formats (e.g. console, CSV, Markdown, HTML). - Report :doc:`storage` and :ref:`comparison `: Store benchmarks locally to be used as a :ref:`baseline ` reference, or to reference them later. - **Memory Usage**: Keep an eye on the amount of memory used by benchmarking subjects. - :doc:`Assertions `: Assert that code is performing within acceptable limits, or that it has not regressed from a previously recorded :ref:`baseline `. .. _wall time: .. _Symfony Stopwatch: .. _Xdebug: .. _Blackfire: .. _NewRelic: .. _Tideways: .. _PHPUnit: