Installing ========== PHPBench can be installed either as dependency for your project or as a global package. Composer Install ---------------- To install PHPBench as a dependency of your project: .. code-block:: php $ composer require phpbench/phpbench --dev You may then run PHPBench from your project's directory as follows: .. code-block:: bash $ ./vendor/bin/phpbench Install as a PHAR package ------------------------- You can download the phar_ and the `public key`_, this can be done with CURL as follows: .. code-block:: bash $ curl -o phpbench.phar $ curl -o phpbench.phar.pubkey You will probably then want make it executable and put it in your systems global path, on Linux systems: .. code-block:: bash $ chmod 0755 phpbench.phar $ sudo mv phpbench.phar /usr/local/bin/phpbench $ sudo mv phpbench.phar.pubkey /usr/local/bin/phpbench.pubkey You can update the version at any time by using the ``self-update`` command: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench self-update .. warning:: Installing as a PHAR means that you are always updating to the latest version, the latest version may include BC breaks. Therefore it is recommended to include the package as a project dependency for continuous-integration. .. _phar: .. _public key: