Report Renderers ================ Reports are rendered to an output medium using classes implementing the ``PhpBench\Report\RendererInterface``. The configuration for a renderer is known here as an *output*. The user may define new outputs either in the :doc:`configuration ` file or on the CLI. The renderer may also supply default outputs. .. _renderer_console: ``console`` ----------- Renders directly to the console. Class: ``PhpBench\Report\Renderer\ConsoleRenderer``. Options: - **table_style**: *(string)* Table style to use, one of: ``default``, ``compact``, ``borderless`` or ``symfony-style-guide``. Default outputs: - ``console``: Renderers the report directly to the console. This is the **default** output method. ``delimited`` ------------- The delimited renderer outputs the report as a delimited value list (for example a tab separated list of values). Such data can be easily imported into applications such as GNUPlot_. Class: ``PhpBench\Report\Renderer\DelimitedRenderer``. Options: - **delimiter**: *(string)*: Path to the output file (existing files will be overwritten). - **header**: *(boolean)*: If a header should be included in the output. Default outputs: - ``delimiter``: The delimiter to use. ``debug`` --------- Output the raw XML of the report document. Useful for debugging. Options: **none** Default outputs: - ``debug``: Outputs the report document's XML. .. _GNUPlot: