
PHPBench allows you to create your own extensions, allowing you to register new:

Create a new extension package


This is optional if you do not wish to distribute your extension you can skip this step.

Create a new project, for example:

$ composer create-project my-phpbench-extension

Include PHPBench as a dev-depenency:

$ composer require phpbench/phpbench --dev

Create the Dependency Injection Extension

First, create a dependency injection container extension:

class AcmeExtension implements ExtensionInterface
    public function configure(OptionsResolver $resolver): void

    public function load(Container $container): void

Then it can be registered in phpbench.json:

    "extensions": [

Registering and Retrieving Services

You can register new services which will be integrated with PHPBench via _tags_.

For example, to register a new Command: with a configuration parameter:

class AcmeExtension implements ExtensionInterface
    private const PARAM_NUMBER_OF_CATS = 'acme.number_of_cats';
    public function configure(OptionsResolver $resolver): void
            self::PARAM_NUMBER_OF_CATS => 7

    public function load(Container $container): void
        $container->register(CatsCommand::class, function (Container $container) {
            return new CatsCommand($container->getParameter(self::PARAM_NUMBER_OF_CATS));
        }, [
            ConsoleExtension::TAG_CONSOLE_COMMAND => []

Note that:

  • The container is a PSR-11 container. You can get any registered service with $container->get(<< service ID here >>).
  • The parameter name is prefixed with the name of the extension (acme.) This will help prevent configuration conflicts.
  • A “tag” is used to integrate the new command with PHPBench.

You can activate and use your extension as follows phpbench.json:

    "extensions": [
    "acme.number_of_cats": 8