Benchmark Runner ================ The benchmark runner is a command line application which executes the benchmarks and generates reports from the results. Running Benchmarks ------------------ To run all benchmarks in a specific directory: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to To run a single benchmark class, specify a specific file: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php To run a single method of a single benchmark class, use the ``--filter`` option: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --filter=benchMd5 Groups can be specified using the ``--group`` option: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --group=hash .. note:: Both ``--subject`` and ``--group`` options may be specified multiple times. .. _filtering: Filtering --------- The ``--filter`` option accepts a regex without the delimiters and matches against a string such as ``HashBench::benchMd5``, so all of the following are valid: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to --filter=benchFoo $ phpbench run /path/to --filter=HashBench::benchFoo $ phpbench run /path/to --filter=Hash.* In addition the ``--variant`` option allows you to filter by a specific parameter set name: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to --filter=Hash.* --variant=md5 .. _overriding_iterations_and_revolutions: Overriding Iterations and Revolutions ------------------------------------- The benchmark runner can override the number of :ref:`revolutions ` and :ref:`iterations ` which will be executed: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --iterations=10 --revs=1000 You may specify these options multiple times. Overriding the Bootstrap ------------------------ You can override or set the :ref:`configuration_runner_bootstrap` using the ``--bootstrap`` option: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --bootstrap=vendor/autoload.php Assertions: Overriding and Toleration ------------------------------------- Use the ``--assert`` option to introduce or override assertions: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --assert="variant.mode <= 10 microsconds +/- 10%" This will assert that ALL variants must have a mode less than 10. For more information on assertions see :doc:`assertions`. Failing assertions will cause PHPBench to exit with code ``2``. If you want to tolerate failures (f.e. in an unstable CI environment) you can use the ``--tolerate-failure`` option. For more information about assertions see :doc:`assertions`. Generating Reports ------------------ By default PHPBench will run the benchmarks and tell you that the benchmarks have been executed successfully. In order to see some useful information you can specify that a report be generated. By default there are two reports ``default`` and ``aggregate``, and they can be specified directly using the ``--report`` option: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --report=default See the :doc:`reports` guide for more information on how you can configure reports. .. note:: If you want to suppress all other output and only show the output from the reports you can use the ``--progress=none`` option. This is especially useful when piping a report to another program. .. _retry_threshold: Retry Threshold --------------- PHPBench is able to significantly improve the stability of your benchmarks by retrying the iteration set until all the deviations in time between iterations fit within a given margin of error. You can set this as follows: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --retry-threshold=5 The retry threshold is the margin of error as a percentage which is allowed between deviations. Generally the lower this value, the higher the stability, but the longer it will take for a set of iterations to be resolved. By default the retry threshold is disabled. You may also set the retry threshold in the :ref:`configuration `. Changing the Output Format -------------------------- By default PHPBench will output the reports to the console using the ``console`` output. The output can be changed using the ``--output`` option. For example, to render a HTML document: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --report=default --output=delimited See the :doc:`../report-renderers` reference for more information. Storing Results --------------- You can store benchmark results locally: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --tag=foobar Then generate reports: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench report --ref=foobar --report=aggregate To dump the benchmark results to an XML file use the ``--dump-file`` option: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --dump-file=report.xml Then generate reports: .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench report --file=report.xml --report=default Progress Reporters ------------------ By default PHPBench issues a single ``.`` for each benchmark subject executed. This is the ``dots`` progress reporter. Different progress reporters can be specified using the ``--progress`` option: .. figure:: ../images/blinken.gif blinken progress logger. .. code-block:: bash $ phpbench run /path/to/HashBench.php --progress=classdots The built-in progress loggers are: - ``verbose``: The default logger, format: `[R] I P ` ). - ``plain``: Similar to verbose, but without any animation, useful for CI environments. - ``dots``: Shows one dot per subject (like PHPUnit). - ``classdots``: Shows the benchmark class, and then a dot for each subject. - ``blinken``: Highly visual progress logger. - ``histogram``: Shows a histogram with 8 vertical levels and 16 bins for each iteration set. All of the progress reports contain the following footer: .. code-block:: bash 3 subjects, 30 iterations, 30000 revs, 0 rejects min [mean mode] max: 0.84 [1.13 1.12] 1.66 (μs/r) ⅀T: 33987μs μSD/r 0.16μs μRSD/r: 14.92% It provides a summary of the minimum, mean, mode, and maximum subject times, given microseconds per revolution. ⅀T is the aggregate total time, μSD/r is the mean standard deviation, and μRSD/r is the mean relative standard deviation. .. warning:: These summary statistics can be misleading. You should always verify the individual subject statistics before drawing any conclusions. Configuration File ------------------ A custom configuration file can be specified with the ``--config`` option. See the :doc:`../configuration` reference for more information on configuration. Exit codes ---------- The following exit codes can occur: - ``0``: Everything was fine. - ``1``: Errors encountered in benchmarks. - ``2``: Assertion failures. - ``255``: Internal error