Unless overridden with the ``--config`` option, PHPBench will try to load its configuration from the current working directory. It will check for the existence each of the files ``phpbench.json`` and ``phpbench.json.dist`` in that order and use one if it exists. .. code-block:: json { "$schema":"./vendor/phpbench/phpbench/phpbench.schema.json", "runner.bootstrap": "vendor/autoload.php", "runner.path": "path/to/benchmarks", "report.outputs": { "my_csv_output": { "extends": "delimited", "delimiter": ",", } }, "report.generators": { "my_report": { "extends": "aggregate" } } } You can include more configuration files with the ``$include`` and ``$include-glob`` directives: .. code-block:: json { "$include": ["path/to/config.json"], "$include-glob": ["path/to/*.json"], }