
Custom Formatters

Formatters must implement the PhpBench\Tabular\Formatter\FormatInterface which has two methods: format and getDefaultOptions.

The getDefaultOptions method should return an associative array featuring all of the options that your formatter will use (user options will be validated based on these keys). The format method should return the new cell value.

The following is the full printf formatter:


use PhpBench\Tabular\Formatter\FormatInterface;

class PrintfFormat implements FormatInterface
    public function format($subject, array $options)
        return sprintf($options['format'], $subject);

    public function getDefaultOptions()
        return array(
            'format' => '%s',

You will need to add the formatter to the PhpBench\Tabular\Formatter\RegistryInterface implementation. It is recommended that you use a dependency injection container and operate on the registry directly, however if this is not convenient you can dig through the dependencies as follows:


$myPrintf = new PrintfFormat();
$tabular = Tabular::getInstance();
$tabular->getFormatter()->getRegistry()->register('my_printf', $myPrintf);

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