
Tabular is a PHP library for generating table data structures (e.g. an invoice, a report) from an XML data source using expressions, self-reference and more.

It allows you to:

  • Define a configuration which dynamically creates table rows composed of cells.
  • Evaluate values dynamically using extended XPath expressions.
  • Use tokens in expressions, literal values and cell names, and iterate over sets of items.
  • Assign rows (or sets of rows) to groups, which can be targeted in subsequent passes.
  • Format cells using pre-configured and custom formatters.
  • Define parameters which can be passed at the time of generation.

It accepts a source XML document and a Tabular JSON definition file, it gives back an XML file structured as a table which can then be used in anyway you would like.


You could generate complex tabular data only with PHP, but beyond a certain threshold this results in a nightmare of variables and spaghetti code.

You could do generate reports with XSLT transformations, but I think this is hugely verbose and detached from the familiar PHP environment.


The central concept is the definition file:

    "rows": [
            "cells": [
                    "name": "title",
                    "expr": "string(./title)"
                    "name": "price",
                    "expr": "number(./price)"
            "with_query": "//book"
            "cells": [
                    "name": "price",
                    "expr": "sum(//price)"

The above definition will generate a table representation in XML with a row for each <book/> element in the given XML file and provide an additional row showing the sum of all the <price/> elements of the <book/> element.

So given the following XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <title>War and Peace</title>
        <title>One Hundered Years of Soliture</title>

The generated table might look like this (as rendered by the Tabular CLI):

│ title                          │ price │
│ War and Peace                  │ 5     │
│ One Hundered Years of Soliture │ 7     │
│                                │ 12    │

The necessary code is as follows:


use PhpBench\Tabular\Tabular;

$dom = new DomDocument('1.0');

// report.json contains the above JSON definition
$tableDom = Tabular::getInstance()->tabulate($dom, 'report.json');

We can then either iterate the table data with an XPath query:

.. code-block:: php
foreach ($tableDom->xpath()->query('//row') as $rowEl) {
    foreach ($tableDom->xpath()->query('.//cell', $rowEl) as $cellEl) {
        $value = $cellEl->nodeValue;

or dump it as an array


$rows = $tableDom->toArray();