
An executor is responsible for executing your benchmarks. It accepts an ExecutionContext and returns ExecutionResults.

PHPBench comes with two executor variations:

  • The remote executor executes you benchmarks in a separate process using a generated template.

  • The local executor executes you benchmarks the same process (sharing the runtime environment of PHPBench).

This executor will return a constant configured value for each iteration.

namespace PhpBench\Examples\Extension\Executor;

use PhpBench\Executor\BenchmarkExecutorInterface;
use PhpBench\Executor\ExecutionContext;
use PhpBench\Executor\ExecutionResults;
use PhpBench\Model\Result\TimeResult;
use PhpBench\Registry\Config;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;

class AcmeExecutor implements BenchmarkExecutorInterface
    private const CONFIG_MICROSECONDS = 'microseconds';

    public function configure(OptionsResolver $options): void
            self::CONFIG_MICROSECONDS => 5

    public function execute(ExecutionContext $context, Config $config): ExecutionResults
        return ExecutionResults::fromResults(
            new TimeResult($config[self::CONFIG_MICROSECONDS])

You can register it in your extension as follows:

class AcmeExtension implements ExtensionInterface
    public function configure(OptionsResolver $resolver): void

    public function load(Container $container): void
        $container->register(AcmeExecutor::class, function (Container $container) {
            return new AcmeExecutor();
        }, [
            RunnerExtension::TAG_EXECUTOR => [
                'name' => 'acme',