Bar Chart Aggregate

Render generate a bar chart from aggregated values

HTML output

HTML output



Type(s): [string, null], Default: NULL

Title for the barchart


Type(s): [string, string[]], Default: []

Partition the data for aggregation on the X axes. Partitions are made of rows sharing the same values in the expression or columns (which can be expressions) given here.


Type(s): [string, string[]], Default: []

Partition the individual bars for each X partition.


Type(s): string, Default: yValue

Expression to evaluate the Y-Axis label. It is passed yValue (actual value of Y), partition (the set partition) and frame (the entire data frame)


Type(s): [null, string], Default: NULL

Expression to evaluate the X-Axis label, is passed xValue (default X value according to the X-partition), partition (the x-partition), and frame (the entire data frame)


Type(s): [string, null], Default: NULL

Expression to evaluate to determine the error margin to show on the chart. Leave as NULL to disable the error margin


Type(s): string, Default: n/a

Expression to evaluate the Y-Axis value, e.g. mode(partition["result_time_avg"])


Given the following configuration:

    "runner.path": "NothingBench.php",
    "runner.executor": "debug-example",
    "runner.iterations": 20,
    "runner.executors": {
        "debug-example": {
            "executor": "debug",
            "times":[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
    "runner.env_enabled_providers": ["test"],
    "report.generators": {
        "chart": {
            "generator": "component",
            "components": [
                    "component": "bar_chart_aggregate",
                    "title": "Example Bar Chart",
                    "x_partition": ["iteration_index"],
                    "bar_partition": ["suite_tag"],
                    "y_expr": "mode(partition['result_time_avg'])",
                    "y_axes_label": "yValue as time precision 1"

When we run PHPBench with the configured report above:

phpbench run --report=chart

Then it generates the following with the console renderer:

Example Bar Chart

50.0μs    │         █         █         █         █ 
43.8μs    │       ▄ █       ▄ █       ▄ █       ▄ █ 
37.5μs    │       █ █       █ █       █ █       █ █ 
31.3μs    │     ▇ █ █     ▇ █ █     ▇ █ █     ▇ █ █ 
25.0μs    │   ▂ █ █ █   ▂ █ █ █   ▂ █ █ █   ▂ █ █ █ 
18.8μs    │   █ █ █ █   █ █ █ █   █ █ █ █   █ █ █ █ 
12.5μs    │ ▅ █ █ █ █ ▅ █ █ █ █ ▅ █ █ █ █ ▅ █ █ █ █ 
6.3μs     │ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 
            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 

[█ <current>] 

1: 0  2: 1  3: 2  4: 3  
5: 4  6: 5  7: 6  8: 7  
9: 8  10: 9  11: 10 12: 11 
13: 12 14: 13 15: 14 16: 15 
17: 16 18: 17 19: 18 20: 19 

See Also

  • Hashing: Example barchart comparing hashing algorithms.