PHPBench Reports

The Reports extension wraps a given storage driver (XML by default) and additionally sends the results over HTTP to a phpbench-reports server.

PHPBench reports is a web application which indexes the results for multiple projects in elastic search and provides visualization.


Enable the phpbench-reports extension and set your storage driver to reports:

   "extensions": {


Set the storage driver to reports, you will need to configure both the URL where phpbench-reports can be found, and the API key (which can be requested from the PHPBench reports server):

    "storage": 'reports',
    "storage.reports.url" => "",
    "storage.reports.api_key" => "<api-key>"


The API key can also be provided via. an environment variable, see “travis integration” below.

By default it will wrap the XML storage driver, this can be changed as follows:

    'storage.reports.inner_driver' => 'blah'

Travis Integration


Travis is heavily-loaded and quite unsuitable for benchmarking purposes, but it’s potentially interesting.

You can use the travis CLI application to encrypt the API key env var:

$ travis encrypt REPORTS_API_KEY=<your API key> --report=your/repo

You can then add the encrypted env var to .travis.yml as follows:

        secure: "<encrypted key here>"

Configure PHPBench to run as normal with the –store option:

    - ./vendor/bin/phpbench run --store